The Rocker That Loves Me Page 6
Laughing, she rolled her violet eyes at me. “Whatever you say!”
For the next two hours we had a good time. It was fun watching Dallas and Harper—and yeah, even Linc—as they danced around me. A few girls tried to come up to our group, each with their drunken gaze on me. I was the notorious one of Demon’s Wings now that Nik was out of commission as a soon to be married man. Of course I was the more notorious one to begin with. Even before he had gotten his head out of his ass and admitted to Emmie that he was in love with her, he hadn’t cared as much about getting laid as I had.
Now that I wasn’t interested in that whole scene, I realized how annoying those girls could be.
But with Dallas around those girls didn’t get far. I decided after the third girl was royally bitched at that it was nice having that country girl around.
“That’s right, bitch!” Dallas yelled at the latest bottle blonde tried to squeeze between Dallas and Harper to get to me, “Keep walkin’. He doesn’t do nasty!”
That got her an ugly glare over the bottle blonde’s shoulder, but she kept walking all the same.
Beside me, Harper was giggling as she leaned against Linc while she sipped her Cranberry and Vodka through a little black straw. Gods, she was cute with her makeup smeared every which way from sweating for the last two hours. She was pretty tipsy and kept tugging at the hem of her skirt in an attempt to pull it down.
Dallas turned back around, nearing the drunk line herself, and high-fived Harper. “You are so going to fight someone tonight if you don’t watch,” Harper warned.
Dallas shrugged. “Bring ‘em on!”
Despite her warning, Harper didn’t seem all that worried about the possibility, and I figured that she didn’t really need to be. There was something about Dallas that just screamed “don’t mess with me.” The mixture of ink, piercings, and maybe even the set of her shoulders hinted at how tough she was.
“Okay, you sexy bitches.” Linc took hold of Harper’s hand before reaching for Dallas. “I have to work early. Let’s pay our tab and go home.”
“I’m having a good time,” Harper complained as Linc pulled her through the crowd toward the bar. “I don’t wanna leave yet.”
I couldn’t help grinning at how young she sounded when she was half-lit. “You keep up with those shooters like you have been all night and you’re going to need my hangover bucket.” Linc sounded like a scolding parent as he tugged the girls through what looked like a bachelorette party.
I didn’t give any of them a second glance as I followed close behind Harper. “You ruin all the fun, Linc.”
“I know, sweetheart. I know.”
“Oh. My. God!”
As soon as I heard the squeal I knew it was coming. I knew that one of the girls from the bachelorette group had realized who I was. Most girls that knew who I was knew my reputation, so I wasn’t at all surprised when someone jumped on my back and started sucking on my neck like a vampire in heat. “Fuck me in the bathroom, Stevenson!”
My new friends turned and stared, mouths gaping, at the sight of some strange girl basically humping me while her teeth bit roughly at my neck. Scared I would hurt her if I tried to untangle her I just stood there, silently begging my friends for help.
“What the fuck!” Dallas exploded and tore the other girl off my back.
Not expecting the interruption, the girl’s teeth scraped across my neck as she was jerked back. I yelped in pain and touched my neck, feeling a few drops of blood bead on my skin. Linc pushed past me, and I realized that Dallas had the drunk girl pinned to the floor, and hair was flying.
Bright red hair that sure as hell didn’t belong to Dallas!
Chapter 7
I didn’t know whether to laugh or help Dallas out as she ripped the drunk girl off Shane’s back. Of course I was surprised that none of the other girls with the bachelorette party didn’t step in to help the drunk girl. Instead, they just stood back and watched the show, as if in shock that it was actually happening.
It was seriously hilarious, especially as Shane was helpless to do more than stand there and watch. Then I noticed the wound on his neck. “You’re bleeding!” I exclaimed, reaching up to touch the spot on his neck that the girl had bitten.
He winced and then paled when he saw the little smear of blood on my fingers. “Tell me that’s my blood, Harper. Tell me it’s mine.”
“It’s yours.” I rushed to assure him, worried when he turned green right before my eyes. “I swear.”
“Okay, Dallas!” Linc was attempting to pull her off the other girl, who was screaming for help. “Let the poor girl go.”
“Kick her ass!” I yelled down at my friend. “He’s bleeding!”
“You skank!” Dallas shouted in the drunk girl’s face. “You hurt my friend!” With her fingers tangled in the girl’s hair, she shook her head like a rag doll’s while she screamed obscenities at her. Her lip was bleeding from one of the punches Dallas had landed on her face, not to mention the hand prints on either side of her face from the bitch slaps that my friend had dished out.
Dallas had a hell of a bitch slap. Her hand print would be on that girl’s face for up to a day before it started to fade.
“Dallas, that’s enough.” Linc lifted her with little effort, her fists clenched around handfuls of bright red dyed hair. “The bouncers are going to throw us out. Let her go. Dallas!”
Dallas struggled to get free so she could finish what she had started. Spitting curses that I wasn’t sure I even knew the meaning to, she was a sight to behold. I loved how fierce she was. Finally, Linc tossed her over his shoulder and headed for the bar.
Shane grasped my hand and we followed after them. When I turned my head to look back at the girl, she gave me a pissed off look, and I grinned and shot her the finger. “That’s what you get, bitch!” I called back to her.
“Gods, you two make me homesick!” Shane laughed as he pulled me through the crowd.
“Why’s that?” I asked, turning back to face him.
“Dallas reminds me of Em.”
I frowned, trying to remember who that was. “Oh, yeah. The chick that called and chewed Lana out back in May for not going back to LA.”
Shane grimaced. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“She doesn’t like Lana much, does she?”
“She loves Lana. She just loves Drake more.” He pulled his wallet out and handed the bartender a bunch of bills, covering all of our tab. “She’s spent most of her life taking care of him, of us all really.”
I could understand that, I guess. “So, she’s like your sister or something?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what she is. My sister.” He gave my fingers a squeeze and then pulled me toward the closest exit.
Linc already had a taxi waiting for us when we reached the street. Dallas sat in the back sulking. “I wasn’t finished with that bitch.”
“Ah, poor baby.” Shane patted her knee as he scooted in and pulled me close as Linc shut the door and hopped in the front. “Thanks for defending my honor, sweetheart.”
Dallas bit her lip to keep from laughing. “Sure.”
I couldn’t hide my snicker as the taxi pulled into traffic. “Dallas, you just defended the biggest male slut in the rock world. That’s brave.”
“God, Harper. You are so lit!” Linc called from the front seat.
“Hey!” Shane pinched my side, making me squeal and giggle. “I’m a reformed male slut, thank you.”
“Oh, sorry. Reformed male slut. How long has it been since your last fuck?”
Linc was right. It had to be the alcohol making me run off at the mouth the way I was. Normally words like fuck just didn’t cross my lips.
“A little over two weeks.”
“Holy shit!” I cried. “That’s got to be a record for you. Are you sick or something?”
Blue-gray eyes narrowed at me in the dim light of the taxi. “Or something.”
Yeah, the alcohol had hit me hard,
and now I was seeing things. Shane Stevenson was not looking at me as if he wanted to devour me. It just wasn’t possible after his kiss-and-run just a few weeks before. The arm that he had around my waist pulled me closer, and I felt a little dizzy as he lowered his head and nuzzled my ear. “Definitely something, beautiful,” I thought I heard him whisper.
“Well, that was one bachelorette party those girls won’t forget,” Linc commented, breaking the spell Shane had suddenly put me under. “Hope the wedding isn’t tomorrow, or the bride will have a half bald bridesmaid.”
It didn’t take long before the driver pulled in front of our apartment building. Shane’s hand lingered at the small of my back as we followed Linc inside. The night doorman was leaning back in his chair behind his desk when we walked in. I waved at him.
“Hey, Curtis!”
“Evening, Miss Jones.”
The elevator opened as soon as Dallas pressed the button. We rode up to the twelfth floor in near silence. Dallas was starting to feel the effects of her fight and the alcohol and was leaning against Linc as she closed her eyes. “Bed,” she grumbled as soon as we entered the apartment moments later.
“Night, Dallas,” Shane called after her retreating back.
“I’m going to turn in too,” Linc said as he headed toward the hall that led to our bedrooms. “I have to be at work early.”
“Dude, it was fun tonight. We’ll have to do this again.”
Linc laughed. “Yeah, I had a good time.”
I flopped down on the couch, the remote already in my hand. When Linc’s door slammed behind him, Shane sat down beside me and snatched the remote from me. “How many channels does this thing have?”
I shrugged. “Linc ordered the whole package, so there is plenty to choose from.” When it landed on some sports network, I grunted. “No, no, and no. If you’re staying I’m not watching stupid sports.”
He sighed and switched it to a chick flick on one of the movie channels. “How is this?”
“Nope. Do you want to make me gag?” I took the remote back and looked through the menu for a few moments before settling on a late night horror movie. It was something that Lana and I had in common, our love for scary movies. “I love this part.”
“I knew I loved you.” He draped his arm along the back of the couch.
“Shh, this is the best part.”
“Of course it is,” Shane muttered and reached for my leg to pull my feet up into his lap. I shot him a curious look, but he just pulled off my flats and started rubbing my aching feet.
My eyes rolled back in my head, and I couldn’t help the small moan that escaped as his thumb put pressure right in the arch of my left foot. “Oh… Oh that feels wonderful.”
“You like?” His tone was throaty, but I didn’t open my eyes as I nodded. “Should I stop?”
“Stop and I will hurt you.” His chuckle followed my threat, and I peeked through my lashes to find him leaning just a little closer. My heart started racing. Memories of our kiss flashed through my mind, and my lips started to ache for a repeat.
Then the sweet memories faded and the hurt poured back in when I remembered him running out when it had just started to get good. Pulling my feet away, I sat up straighter. “Th-thanks,” I mumbled, forcing my gaze back to the television.
“What’s wrong?” he demanded, reaching for my hands, but I pulled them away. “Harper?”
“I don’t know how to play your games, Shane,” I told him honestly, forcing myself to meet his gaze. “I’m not sophisticated enough to even understand the rules. One minute I thought we were friends, then you kissed me…” I sighed. “And then you just ran off and I didn’t hear a word from you for almost two weeks. Now you’re back, and tonight was fun. Really, really fun. I loved dancing with you and hanging out. But just as friends. Nothing more.”
Blue-gray eyes darkened as he listened to me. “I’m sorry I ran after that kiss…” He scrubbed both hands over his face. “You scared the hell out of me, beautiful. I won’t lie. I’ve been around. So try to understand when I tell you that no one—no one—has ever made me feel what you make me feel. It was almost terrifying, and I ran away like a coward. I’m sorry, baby. It’s not going to happen again.”
Yeah, okay, so his words kind of took my breath away. If it was a line, then it was a really amazing line. But I wasn’t willing to fall for it. If he was a coward, then so was I, because I wasn’t willing to risk my heart with him…not when it was half involved already.
“I just want to be friends, Shane.”
The rocker just sat there, frowning at me in the dimly lit living room while House on Haunted Hill played in the background. I felt like he could see into my very soul the way he was looking at me right then. After nearly a full minute, he finally nodded.
“Okay. Friends, for now.” I opened my mouth to tell him that it was for always, but he cut me off. “I’ll make you change your mind, beautiful.”
I knew that I had fucked up. Running away never solved anything. I knew that. Now I had a lot to make up for, and I was going to do just that.
So I watched stupid House on Haunted Hill with Harper until she fell asleep with her feet in my lap. Picking her up, I realized that she barely weighed anything at all. I carried her to bed and tucked her in. Of course I couldn’t resist brushing a kiss over her cheek before leaving her.
By the time I got home it was nearly three in the morning. The apartment was quiet and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the clothes spread across the living room. Grinning, I tossed my keys aside and headed for my room. It was about time Drake got what he deserved. I was thrilled for my brother and Lana.
Of course he wasn’t so thrilled with me when I had to interrupt them the next morning because Layla kept calling Lana’s phone. As soon as I gave her the phone, I made a run for it. No way did I want to be around when they finally came out of that bedroom.
My day was spent making phone calls from a coffee shop I knew Harper liked. I had grilled Lana about her for the last two weeks and knew her likes and dislikes by heart now. As I surfed the net on my phone, I realized I was acting a little stalker-ish and grimaced. Great, now I was turning into a psycho!
Of course that thought went flying out of my head when I saw her come into the shop and head straight for the counter. Picking up my half empty cup of triple espresso—which had nothing on Jesse’s special blend—I tossed the now cold drink and got in line behind Harper to order another one.
While she spoke to the skinny kid, ordering some kind of girly mocha with extra whipped topping, I took my time checking out the view from behind. Gods, but I loved her ass. The leggings she was wearing outlined it perfectly, and I had to ball my hands into fists to keep from reaching out to cup those sweet hips.
She was wearing running shoes and a tank top, so I had to assume she was planning on a trip to the gym. It was after one, which didn’t surprise me. Lana had told me that my girl liked her sleep, and I had kept her up pretty late the night before.
When she started to pay for her coffee, I stepped forward and took care of it while ordering my own with some pastries. I hadn’t needed Lana to tell me that Harper had a sweet tooth. After paying, I turned to face the quiet girl standing beside of me.
Was it me or was she more beautiful when she was trying to be mad. “I can pay for my own coffee, Shane.”
“No one said that you couldn’t, beautiful. I just wanted to buy my friend something to drink.” I leaned closer to her as I said the word friend and enjoyed the sight of pink flushing her cheeks. Of course I got a hint of the perfume she was wearing and nearly groaned as it had an effect on my dick.
The barista put our cups down in front of us along with the dish of pastries. I sent the kid a smile as I picked up our order and led her toward the table I had taken up for most of the day.
I sat the coffee down and pulled out a chair for her. Other than a few times for Emmie, I didn’t think I had ever done that for a girl bef
ore. Harper didn’t look impressed, though. She just sat down and snatched up one of the cherry filled pastries. “I really don’t have time for this.”
“What’s so important that it can’t wait twenty minutes while we share a snack?” I asked as I sat down across from her so I could see her eyes. Gods, I loved her eyes!
“I’m meeting Cecil at the gym for some racquetball.”
My entire body tensed up as the name of another man left her lips. “Who the fuck is Cecil?” I demanded before I could stop myself.
“My stepdad,” she said with a roll of those gorgeous eyes.
“Oh…” Dammit! Now I sounded like an obsessive asshole. Girls didn’t like shit like that, did they? Emmie and Layla didn’t like it much, or at least they said they didn’t. Was it some kind of reverse psychology and they really did?
A small smile teased at Harper’s Cupid’s bow, but she didn’t chastise me. “Cecil is kind of the only family I claim. He wanted to adopt me, but my real dad wouldn’t let him.”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s a control freak.” She grimaced and took a sip of her coffee. “He and my mom are a lot alike in that area.”
“So you and your stepdad get along?”
“Oh yeah. He and I are so similar, just like Ariana and my mom. Dallas used to joke that we got switched at birth.” Her grin was adorable and I wanted to sit there and stare at it for hours. “We don’t get to see each other much these days. He’s been so busy with work, and I’ve been trying to find a full-time job. But we try to get together at least once a month for racquetball or dinner.”
“Then you should get going.” I didn’t want her to go, but I hated for her to miss out on time with her stepdad.
She glanced at the watch on her left wrist. “I still have a few minutes. He’s always a little late anyway.”
I would take anything she was willing give me. Minutes, hours, days. I wasn’t going to ever turn that down. “How is Dallas feeling this morning? Sore from the fight?”
Harper laughed. “Apparently, that drunk girl got a hit or two in last night. Dallas has a bruise on her right cheek. It really makes her dimple stand out.”